A closer look at Collection'2
Names, colors, inspiration and Hawaiian history.
The love of the natural world is a core Hawaiian value and arguably the most important through this intimate relationship with the environment that native Hawaiians were able to understand the intricacies of the world and family.
According to Hawaiian oral traditions, we are direct descendants of the islands upon which we live. Like our ancestors, before us, this 'aina (land) is a part of our bones.
Our co-founder Mahina Florence is a native Hawaiian born and raised in Hawai'i. Her 'ohana (family) hails from Anahola, Kaua'i. Mahina and the women of her family exemplify native Hawaiian values and beauty. They are graceful dancers both on land and in the water. Their love for 'Aina can be witnessed on their family farm.

With this collection, we wanted to show Maoi's core values: honouring our 'aina (land), using sustainable materials whenever possible and inspiring other women to feel empowered to be who they are.
This collection is inspired and named after the beautiful wahine (women) of the Mahi 'ohana (family); Mahina, her mother Kanoelani, her sister 'Alohi, her cousins Nahele and her aunty Kapuamailani. This collection would not be complete without naming a couple of suits after co-owner Julia Muniz Robinson and her beautiful mother, Tatiana.

Our colours in Collection'2 are named after things that are important and useful within the Hawaiian culture.
Uhu: is the Hawaiian word for parrotfish. This reef fish can be found swimming in shallow waters around the islands, and munching on the coral reefs. Ranging in colours from red to blue, keep an eye out for these exotic beauties.
Lava: the basis of our island chain, and much of what we walk on today is made up of the once molten rock spilling out of the earth's core. The most recent lava flow in Hawaii was during the Kilauea eruption of 2018, which created the youngest beach in the Hawaiian Islands.
Haupia: is a Hawaiian coconut dessert that can be found at every luau or family gathering. Is guaranteed to satisfy any sweet tooth.
Poi: a traditional Hawaiian staple food. Made from cooked taro, or rarely breadfruit, pounded and thinned with water. The first food of many Hawaiian keiki(children) is poi because is high in vitamins, minerals, and its easy to eat.
Kalo: Kalo is the Hawaiian name for taro. Its a Hawaiian staple from the very beginning of our history. It is said that the kalo is the eldest brother of the first Hawaiian, and from them we are all descended. This important plant continues to care for our people today.
Fern: Fenrs are abundant in Hawai'i, however one of the most common is kupukupu. Ferns played an important roll in Hawaiian life, used for medicine and water retention. Ferns are both beautiful and practical.
Lauhala: are the leaves of the Pandanus tree. It has been broadly used both in ancient and modern times. They are used to weave mats, baskets, hats and even sails. The sweet smelling flowers of this exotic tree known as Hinano are also used as a perfume.